So, I struggle with control issues. When I first was married, at a very young age, I was bossy, controlling, and tried {in vain} to “change” my husband. Through the already 13+ years of marriage we have experienced together, I have slowly started to let go of those control reigns and just let God and my husband lead. It was not easy. I went against my selfish nature. But now, our marriage is better than it was when we first started out.
Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman is a book that shares with women “How to Stop Running The Show and Start Walking in Faith”.
About Let It Go
Women are wired to control. We make sure the house is clean, the meals are prepared, the beds are made, the children are dressed, and everyone gets to where they’re going on time. But sometimes our strength of being conscientious can morph into the weakness of being a slight—or all out—control freak! This humorous, yet spiritually practical book will help you learn how to control what you should, trust God with what you can’t, and more importantly, decide which one is which! Join Karen Ehman, a recovering control freak, as she enables you to:
- Draw the line between mothering and micromanaging
- Influence your husband instead of manipulating him
- Take control of your schedule yet welcome interruptions from God
- Learn to control your emotions when you can’t control the circumstances
- Stop pursuing the appearance of perfection and start pursuing the person of God
- A companion video-based study for small groups with a Bible study guide is also available.
About Author:
Karen Ehman is the Director of Speakers for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ national speaking team. A five-time author, her books include A Life That Says Welcome, The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized and the popular ebook Untangling Christmas: Your Go-to Guide for a Hassle-free Holiday. She is a favorite presenter at Hearts at Home moms’ conferences and a sought-after speaker for women’s events. She has been a guest on national television and radio programs, including The 700 Club, Engaging Women, The Harvest Show, Moody Midday Connection and Focus on the Family. Karen also is a contributor to Focus on the family’s magazine Thriving Family. She lives with her family in central Michigan.
My Review of Let It Go
I need this book. I mentioned above how my controlling issues towards my husband have gotten better the longer we have been married. The key has been just letting go and letting God deal with it. I can’t “change” my husband and don’t want him to be my robot. I love how Karen Ehman shares in this book:
There exists a miniscule line between being conscientious and being controlling. A marker so fine, we women often cross it without even noticing that it’s stretched out right there in front of us, waiting to trip us up. What we must do is determine the difference between being conscientious (our part) and being in control (God’s job).
In my home as a mother I need to realize though I guide my children I should not be a dictator. That is important. I want to run my home as a place for God’s spirit to dwell and as a happy place for my children and husband. I get caught up in the “should” and “shouldn’ts” far to often.
I appreciate how Karen Ehman first shares why we women need to control, discusses our role as a wife and mother, and gives us practical ways to stop the control cycle and rely on God. This book is a must have book for any wife and mother out there. It is perfect for the new year.
Who couldn’t use a fresh new start as a wife and mother in 2013? I know I can!
Buy Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman
You can purchase Let. It. Go.: How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith on Amazon for only $10! Get your copy today. It would make a great gift for Christmas as well!
Win Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman
One lucky Long Wait For Isabella reader will win their own copy of Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman. Simply enter the Rafflecopter form below with your Facebook account or email address for your chance to win. Open to US residents 18+.
*Disclosure: I was sent the above book for review purposes. All opinions are mine.
This looks like a great book. Something I don’t want to admit, but probably need to read!
I really think I could benefit from reading this (as much as I don’t want to think about it or admit it), so hoping it finds it’s way to my hands….
Thanks for the giveaway @longwaitforisabella & Merry Christmas & God bless!
Also–I could not find her on Pinterest? The link did not work 🙁
I hope Rafflecopter opens now?
Anyway, great book and extremely interesting. Soemthing that would truly be a help to me and I would love the info.