The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Couponing includes:
- Understanding couponing basics
- Tips on finding and cashing in on coupons
- Advice on multiple savings offers, money-back coupons, and rewards programs
- The latest info on deal-of-the-day sites, rebates, and other online coupon options
- How to best plan and organize coupons
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Couponing Review:
In 2008, I was staying at home with a new baby, and I realized I missed work. Don’t get me wrong, taking care of a newborn was work too, just a different kind. That is when I was introduced to “couponing”. I was hooked. We had stockpiles that included free or nearly free items. I took a lot of prep time and research but every week, I had my list and I loved saving!
Fast forward four years, I am finally getting back into couponing, so being able to review this book is perfect. You will find all you need to know about couponing in this installment of The Complete Idiot’s Guide. Do you want to save money? Get free or nearly free items? Increase your own stockpile of groceries and health and beauty products? Then this book is really for you!
I knew a good bit of the information in the book, but I was happy to read more about how to organize my coupons. That was one area, that I was not doing very well in. I have envelopes lying around my desk with various coupons in them for use and trade, but they are not organized well. Now, I am going to be organizing these coupons more effectively so they don’t expire before I use or trade them.
Buy It:
You can purchase your own copy of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Couponing by Rachel Singer Gordon on today:
*Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions are mine alone.
Couponing allows me to be a stay at home mom with my new baby 🙂 I also enjoy the rush when you get a good deal!
I coupon because times are tough!
I do coupon. Mostly because I am single and living on one income, being a homeowner in this market is tough. Plus its fun and really satisfying when you track your savings!
It helps our food budget stretch a long way.I feel happy to see the savings:)
I coupon to save money.
Yep! That’s me!! I need help to organize and save some money!!
I’d like to learned to save more money.
I use a few coupons now and then but I would like to become a serious couponer but really don’t know how. I would like to use coupons to save money which I (and everyone else) could really use in this economy.
I didn’t enter because I already have this book. Just wanted to say that I have this book and it’s a great resource for those who are just starting and also for experienced couponers. I especially liked the info about saving online, which is where I do a lot of my shopping.
I do a lot of my shopping online too, Dede. It is so much easier to do shopping in the comfort of your own home. I use a lot to find great deals.
i want to save money
It is great when you can save on things you plan to buy. I always check for online coupons when I shop online (which is alot).
Couponing helps me save money!
It helps me save money
To help save money.
I coupon to save money.
I coupon to reduce expenses
I coupon just to save some money. Every little bit helps.Thanks
i coupon to save money
I coupon to save lots of money.
My wife always sends me w coupons – we joke about it but it really saves us on groceries.
Couponing helps me save money
it is fun to see how much you can save with coupons, sales and loyalty programs
I really want to start couponing.
With the economy as bad as it is, If I did not coupon I could not afford to eat.
i just get coupons from the paper, want to learn how to do more/better!
Our income has been slashed in half due to job changes. I have attempted couponing but it is SO confusing and now more then ever we need to be saving money.
I love couponing because I love to find deals and save money! I am always looking for things that i can find a great deal on. I love having a full panty and knowing i got it on the cheap. I am still learning how to be a GREAT couponer, but i do consider myself to be good.
We coupon to stretch our money over a greater distance.
I coupon to cut my budget down, especially in the food and health areas but I would love to learn as much as possible about doing it.
Save money on daily expenses which helps me to afford the other” necessities.
I do some couponing but have seen and heard about people getting tons of products for just a few Dollars. I would like to learn how that can be done.
I coupon to save $$. I have four children and they are not cheap to feed! 🙂
I want to begin couponing because with 7 mouths to feed my husband and mine included we are doing all we can to save money. I heard about couponing and want to do it but I have no idea how to do it effectivly.
I do use coupons but I feel I’m not getting the maximum value out of them. I would like to learn how
I’d love to start to save money. Thanks.
I coupon so I can stretch every penny, I want this book so I can be better at couponing
I would love to start because we really need to start saving money.
I use coupons to save money