Just in time for Easter, We Bought a Zoo will be coming on Blu-ray, DVD and digital download on April 3. Win your copy on DVD below!
About the Movie:
Benjamin Mee (Damon) is a Los Angeles newspaper columnist and adventure writer who, as a widowed father, faces the challenges of raising his two young children. Hoping that a fresh start and a new life will restore their family spirit, Mee quits his job and buys an old rural house outside the city with a unique bonus feature: a zoo named the Rosemoor Animal Park, where dozens of animals reside under the care of head zookeeper Kelly Foster (Johansson) and her dedicated team. With no experience, limited time and a shoestring budget, Mee sets out with the support of his family and the local community to reopen the zoo. Now, Benjamin is no longer reporting an adventure story; he’s living it in his own backyard.
My Review:
What I liked: Loved the family dynamics of this story. The family was hanging by a thread after the death of Benjamin Mee’s wife. It was heartbreaking and raw, and tears sprung to my eyes many times while watching this movie. But the message of hope and healing was so strong in this movie, you really root for the characters. You want them to succeed at this zoo adventure and in their family closeness. I would definitely recommend this movie for families with older children.
What i didn’t like: There are 4 instances of using foul language. I liked when PG used to mean no cussing. Because of this language, I will not allow my daughter to watch this movie with us. The themes are older for her any way, but I think it would be more appropriate for a child 10 years and older.
More Top Films to Watch This Easter:
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- Little Angels
- It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown
- The Ten Commandments
- Jesus Christ Superstar
Easter is April 8! These are all films you can include in the Easter basket. For more information about these five films, visit this Google doc!
Buy It:
You can buy We Bought a Zoo in a 3 disc combo pack on Amazon for $24.99 when it becomes available April 3.
Win It!
One lucky Long Wait For Isabella reader will win their own copy of We Bought A Zoo on DVD and also the original novel. Simply enter the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win. (Enter the form with your Facebook or email account.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure: I was sent a copy of We Bought a Zoo on DVD for review purposes only. All opinions are mine alone.
Thanks for the chance!
Thank you so much for the fabulous giveaway!
I really appreciate your site– and thanks so much for your giveaways
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I have voted!
Sounds like a good movie. Thanks for having the giveaway!