I am so excited to share this post with you. I had feeling when I get pregnant the first month I tried, that it was a boy. And sure enough I was right!
We are having a boy!
When I was laying there, and the ultrasound tech told me, tears came to my eyes. My parents were there with us and they got teary eyed too. (We all were hoping for a baby boy.)
We are only having two children, and I really hoped that I would have one of each. God is so good.
Plus, I was worried about having that ovarian cyst, and had been praying that it would be gone by this ultrasound – and I am happy to say, the ovarian cyst is gone!
Thank you all for your prayers for us. I truly appreciate them!
Now I can’t wait to get some boy baby clothes and gear!
What has been your experience with children of opposite genders?
Are boys easier than girls?
Samantha Roberts says
Congratulations! Boys can be easier in some areas! Of course they aren’t quite as dramatic, we have found! They can be a little more physical, rough and tough! But overall, I think that each child whether boy or girl is an individual with their own personality! So excited for you guys!!
LaVonne says
I am really hoping for a mellow boy. 🙂 We just got done with a seminar in New Orleans area and there was a 5month old baby boy who was so sweet and mellow. I must admit I was dreaming that our child was that good.
Thanks for stopping by and giving me your congratulations. Blessings!
Kay says
Hey, congrats!! I have 4 boys and one girl. I grew up a tom-boy, rough housing with my cousins, surrounded by guy friends. I find boys to be much easier on me. They can have tons of energy and require lots of it to keep up with them, but running them around a bit goes a long way in turning attitudes around. My daughter is VERY girly and we have had a hard time connecting. She cries a lot over little things. I guess it just depends on your personality and the dynamic of the boy’s personality. In our mix, the boys are easier, no matter how active they are 😉
LaVonne says
Our Isabella is a drama queen! I think she might cry more now at 4 than she did at 1. LOL! We are all happy to get a boy though. I am very curious to see their personality differences.
Kay says
I love this Tim Hawkins skit!! So accurate with boys vs. girls!!!
Kay says
The link didn’t go in the comment, sorry.
Boys vs Girls
LaVonne says
We love him too. We are always watching different ones on You Tube. I will have to check this one out now. 😉 Thanks for sharing.
Bicultural Mama says
Congratulations, what exciting news…woo hoo!
LaVonne says
Thank you. We are quite excited. I appreciate you stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Olfa says
Congrats!!! This is grat geat news. I have a boy and a girl. I am so lucky to have both! Boys and girls are sooooooo different. I enjoy both.
Mina Slater says
Awe, congratulations!!! My nephew (I’m his guardian) was very well behaved but like mentioned in other comments, boys tend to have so much energy and play rather roughly at times. I’d never played with so many trucks, cars, J.I. Joes, etc in my life. I’m extremely girly so personally girls are easier for me. I think you will now have the perfect balance because boys & girls both have awesome qualities! Also, very happy for your cyst being gone. All such good news for you & your family!
LaVonne says
Yes, Mina. We are feeling quite blessed right now. My 4 year old is a daddy’s girl. She loves girly things but also loves legos, karate, her scooter, and swimming. She is quite active. I think the three of them will have fun with trucks and dirt. I will be on standby with the camera, thinking of things I can’t wait to share on my blog.
Ghada @ Mama goes BAM says
Fantastic news! I know we all just want happy healthy babies but it is nice when you get one of each flavor 🙂 When we had our boy, we just knew it as well – but we never found out beforehand. I’m wishing you continued health throughout your pregnancy x
LaVonne says
Thank you, Ghada. I appreciate that. And yes, most of all, I want a healthy baby. So far this baby is doing well and is big. He is in the 94% for height and weight. I have only gained 10 lbs so far too. I am wondering what size he will be when he is born.
Katie Smith says
YAYA i am so happy for you!!!
Sarah BB @ East9thStreet says
Congratulations and glad that ovarian cyst is gone! One less thing to worry about. Now get working on that nursery…lol!
LaVonne says
Sarah, we are still trying to figure out what we will do. I do have a co-sleeper for when he is a newborn, but I think we will utilize our Princess’ room for his gear. She has a large closet. So at first we won’t make the office into a nursery 😉
melissa says
So exciting! Congrats!!
Pam@behealthybehappywellness says
Congratulations! We have one of each and I have to say, boys and girls are VERY different – both wonderful, just different. Enjoy your new little man!!!
ashleigh walls says
Congratulations! I love my baby boy he is so much fun. Hoping for a girl next time but it doesn’t really matter.
Cathy says
Congratulations! I had a girl first then a boy. I love having one of each. You will enjoy every minute with your little man.
Hillary says
CONGRATS!! So fun to have one of each!
LaVonne says
Thanks, Hillary. It is good to hear from you. I haven’t been by your blog for a while. I am heading there next!
Blessings to you and your family.
Leila says
Congratulations on the baby boy! That is so great! I have one of each. My daughter just turned 6 in December and my son will be 4 in April- they are exactly 28 months apart to the day.
Having a boy is definitely different than having a girl. I have had to learn “boy” things that I didn’t know so much before. And his personality is so different. He is much harder to handle than my daughter, but it could be our family dynamics as well.
Either way, I love both of my children and you will yours! And you got your wish to be blessed with one of each! congrats again!
LaVonne says
Leila, originally we wanted our two children to be about 2 years apart, but having a two year old and a newborn didn’t appeal to us so much after our first child was here. LOL!
I am excited to see how they interact since they will be 4 years apart, and how their personalities will differ. Praying for calmness and patience (in me!).
MageeMommy says
OHHH! So happy for you!!!! I think there are both challenges and neat things about boys or girls.
LaVonne says
Thank you, for coming by. We are very excited. A bit scared to have two. 🙂