I am now 20 weeks pregnant. It is hard to believe that I am half way there already. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me. I sure appreciate it.
20 weeks:
- This baby is now 6 1/2 inches crown to rump, and 10 inches from head to heel.
- This baby is now producing meconium, (I remember that from my Princess!).
- This baby is practicing swallowing which is great for the digestive system.
Sleeping has become difficult. I have to go to the bathroom a lot. Even when I limit my drink intake in the evening, I am still going too much.
Those sharp pains in my sides, due to the round ligaments, scared me at first. Now I am used to them.
My husband felt our baby kick this last week too. I have been feeling movement for about two weeks. He was so excited. When the baby is moving, it just feels so real – such a miracle.
I have been drinking unsweetened cranberry juice and drinking lots of water, I don’t want a UTI this pregnancy. At the health food store I bought a pregnancy tea. I am not a big tea drinker but I know raspberry leaf and nettles are a good thing to drink during pregnancy.
lupita ;0) says
congrats. :0)
LaVonne says
I just moved to this new domain, I can’t believe you found me so quickly. Thank you for the congrats! Send me an update soon!
Janet K says
Ohh…I remember the ligament pains!! I was so scared because I thought I was doing something wrong, but the doctor explained to me what was happening.
BTW, love to see that you “made the switch”!!!!
LaVonne says
Thank you, Janet. The ligament pains are getting better, which I am thankful for. Thanks for stopping by my new home 😉 I am happy that I made the switch too!
Heather Kelly says
I am almost 15 weeks with baby #3. Good luck! Baby #3 is really wearing me out, but so it having a 2 1/2 year old, a 4 year old, 3 dogs, a fish, and a 38 year old husband to take care of. Yawn…
LaVonne says
Heather, I cannot imagine! Mine is 4 and she is wearing me out, but luckily I have a husband who helps a lot. We travel with him for his work, and get a lot of family time together to support one another. I am quite blessed! 🙂