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My Princess does not want to do it.
Many people are trying to get her to speak French, but she said she is afraid.
On the way home on our second day here, she said, “I don’t want them to make me speak English.” I realized she meant French.
She tried to copy the way it sounds tonight when she explained to us that she didn’t want to talk like that. It didn’t sound French though it did sound like babbling.
It must be strange for her, literally everyone speaks French. (Though a good majority do speak English too.) She is used to Spanish (thank you Dora and Deigo), but this is new for her. So I am cutting her some slack with her hiding from people and frowning at them.
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She did try to say, “Bonsoir“, tonight in the car when it was just mommy and daddy. Over 300 people came out to our seminar here in Montreal, Quebec. Most of those people said, “Bonsoir“, {good evening}as they walked out of the building.
She butchered it.
But it was cute.
We’ll see how much she picks up by the end of the month.
{She refused to say in child care, since they were ‘making’ her try to say French words.}
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