Well, after the hubby was so sick with the flu, the Princess did get it. It was not bad though, so we thought she lucked out.
Not so.
Last weekend she got more sick than before. A terrible cough, slight fever and lots of congestion. Not fun at all and worse at night. I was thankful for a long weekend visit from my parents. They were a big help. I actually went to church with my husband and listened to the entire sermon! (Thanks, Dad and Mom.)
But, when my Princess told me Monday that her ear hurt, I knew we needed to bring her in.
So first thing Tuesday morning we went in.
Sure enough – flu virus. The congestion drains at night into her throat (hence the terrible coughing) and also drains in her ears. That results in bacteria growing and viola! she now has an ear infection in both ears. Not a bad one, we caught it early. But still she is now on a ten day round of antibiotics.
First time to have an ear infection. The pharmacist was surprised she went this long without one. Thankfully, we have had a very healthy girl.
She is doing very well and really wants to exert more energy than I let her, and she really wants that Valentine’s Day candy she got from family. My big girl, she has such a sweet tooth. But she is patiently waiting until she is better.