The Princess’ newest saying is driving me crazy. I don’t know where she picked it up but every time I tell her no she says,
Literally, every time. Why does she not get it when I say no? Will this ever end?
Spankings and time outs do not seem to work any more either. She does not seem to care. I started “grounding” her from items as well. You know things she loves – gum, candy or treats. She hates that, but still she is having a hard time listening. Maybe this is normal?
Since we travel on the road she gets to interact with a lot of children. Often the children are older. So now I am worrying about what kind of effect they might be having. What behaviors she might pick up.
What do you do though? I don’t want to inhibit her socialization, but I also want to protect her. I must not be the only mother asking this. So what do you do? Right now, I let her go to the seminar child care if she will stay there. I also let her play with her new friends before and after the seminar.
I just have noticed behavior that was not there this summer while we were at home. I don’t know if it is just the age, or if she is picking up undesirable behavior.
I am doing a backwards edition of Works for Me Wednesday in the hopes of getting advice what works for you.