But, I won’t lie to you. There are days when being away from home, living out of a rubbermaid container, and not having access to all my favorite foods can be challenging. I am a little ashamed to admit that I even complain about it. Just writing this post, is making me feel a little like Jonah. I feel shallow.
then the night comes when we hand out a small blue card. My husband ask the audience to accept Christ. He also asks them to write their prayer requests on that card.
It is my job to enter in those decisions for Christ and type up those prayer requests for our prayer team.
Boy, oh boy, does everything come in to clear focus!
Reality hits me.
My insignificant problems are nothing. I am so blessed. I know I don’t deserve it. Yet, God blesses me anyway. He loves me like no other. And I am so thankful.
So in the midst of people who tell me they have wandered from God, people want to recommit their life to Him, people who want to live for Him, people who have children who are into drugs, who don’t know Jesus, that have recently lost a child, or having a hard time finding a job, I realize that yes, God is good. He wants to work in their lives and give them goodness, kindess, love and mercy.
I pray that I can stop looking at self, and look to Jesus to fill me. Then I can better witness to the those who come out each night. Showing them the God truly loves them.