It is so fun to see my Princess’ sense of humor grow. Silly things are now funny to her. Sometimes during cartoons she will laugh really hard at the funny parts. She is beginning to really understand humor. I love it!
Unfortunately, though it is cute to mommy, she cannot pronounce her “l” sound yet. For example, the word “love” comes out “ove”. (A familiar game in our car now is, “Raise your hand if you ‘ove’ mommy?”)
When we were driving home the other night she was saying a word I could not recognize. This happens a lot, and she gets VERY frustrated. I feel bad for her, since she knows what she is saying. I just can’t seem to understand her.
After repeatedly asking her what she was saying, she finally began laughing. A forced, fake, goofy laugh. Then it clicked. She was trying to tell me about how she was laughing at something earlier. Now, I know her word for laugh and it sounds more like “ought”.
So today I messed up my own words. Yes, I still fumble my words and call people by the wrong name. My Princess thought that was very funny and she said, “That made me funny, mommy.” Though she meant to use the word “laugh”, she now uses the word “funny”. She can say that one real well. Her new phrase made me laugh.