We are not friends. At least not yet.
I hate dieting. I hate the concept of dieting. I am all about lifestyle changes for weight loss not some fad diet. With that said, a year and a half ago I went on Weight Watchers. It was when my Princess was about 8 months old. I did the point system because it was simpler for me. I was able to choose what foods I wanted to eat, and I just counted the points. (Points are calculated based on the calories, fat and fiber in foods.) I lost weight and actually went down a size smaller than when I first got pregnant. SCORE!
Then I got lazy. My portions got bigger. I quit counting points. (Miserable, arch nemesis points.) I have a very BIG LOVE for chocolate. Any chocolate candy to be exact. I gained weight back. I quit breast feeding. I weighed more than I was when I first got pregnant.
So now, yes I am again on Weight Watchers. Starting June 1st, I began counting points, quit eating junk food, started eating MORE vegetables and fruit and by the end of the first week I was down 5 lbs. SCORE! So with this and my new Wii Fit, I am committed. I want to wear those size 6 pants again!
What is your favorite low calorie healthy snack? I don’t like running out of summer time options. So help me. (Please keep in mind that yes, I still have the worst sweet tooth!)
One favorite snack of mine are grapes. They are a cheap low calorie snack. Instead of buying all those processed fiber bars, I can just whip out a container of grapes. Right now they are so sweet. I even love putting them in the freezer. Frozen Grapes? YUMMY! And best yet? 1 cup = 1 point. That is pretty darn good in my book.