After being gone for 4 weeks (when we thought we would be gone for 2), it feels great to be home. Our seminar ended with a good number of people baptized and more who recommitted their life to Christ. It is always difficult to make new friends and then leave. But it is nice to know that we will have a BIG reunion again one day in Heaven.
After our seminar ended in Oklahoma we were invited to go up to Branson, MO for 3 nights with the Pastor’s family. We gladly and readily accepted their invitation. What fun Branson is! If any of you have ever been there you know what I am talking about. We went to an indoor water park, an outdoor mall, Silver Dollar City, and Noah the Musical. (Don’t even ask about all the junk food I ate, I probably gained five pounds in three days!)
Silver Dollar City had many fun thing for kids to do. My Princess really liked the splash pad. It was fun to watch her run around and get splashed in the face.
Silver Dollar City has the Marvel Cavern. As we began the walk down the stairs into the “cathedral” the Princess fell asleep! Daddy (a good daddy I might add) held her the entire 1 hour, up and down stairs and through difficult places. It was nice to get out of the heat and be under ground. It must have been in the mid 80s with 90% humidity.
Since the Princess is now 36 inches tall, she was able to go on many rides. She even got to ride of the swings! You know, those big swings that have been around since I was a child? She loved it. Mommy was scared though.
The trip ended with a great show. Branson is known for all their shows. It reminds me of Las Vegas without all the gambling. A great place for families! We went to the Christian theater to see Noah the Musical. Again the Princess was asleep. But only for a short time. Remind me not to pay $100 to see a show with a toddler. M.I.S.E.R.Y! But the show was fabulous. Live animals and singing – a great adaptation of the Noah story in the Bible.
Have you been to Branson?
What was your favorite thing to do?