In February, my Princess napped with daddy and went to bed at night with daddy. It felt so free. For 2 years, I was the one who had to lay her down since I had the breast milk. It was such a nice break. Peace. Tranquility. Blogs. Chick Movies. Books. I LOVED those few hours at night after they went to bed.
Then in March something happened – a mommy phase. I guess that is what I will call it. Now, she only will sleep if I am next to her. At first it was cute, but not for long. Now it is just frustrating.
My husband is a morning person so he loves going to bed early. He doesn’t even mind having a toddler snuggled up against him, squishing him to the very edge of the bed. But no, my Princess INSISTS on having me next to her. (So now I am that parent clinging to the edge of the bed, tucking my arm in the waist band of my pajama pants.) No more late night me time.
And she has an obsession with my belly button. It is like her blankie, a comfort for her since we quit breast feeding. She constantly says, “Belly button, go?”. I say, “Oh I got rid of it,” or “I flushed it down the toilet,” or some other silly thing. Then she finds it and says, “Belly button right here.” (I have to keep her finger nails cut short often since it kind of hurts having a little finger digging in your belly button.)
Did your child have these strange little phases and quirks? Did you just ride them out or did you do something about it?