Two nights ago, our Princess had a fever. She has not been sick very many times in her life, so we were worried, but realized that a fever was common in a child. Her best friends here, (I have not told you about her best friends have I? Another post to come.), were sick over the weekend with a fever as well. So I knew it was something they all caught at church.
Yesterday afternoon, the fever spiked, despite Ibuprofen, to 103.4 degrees. My husband decided to go online and get some information. (Isn’t the internet so convenient?) The website encourages parents to call their doctor once the fever hits 103 degrees. We called a local doctor we have been able to get to know here, and he suggested we go to Urgent Care. While we were getting our Princess dressed she threw up about 4x. This worried us and we hurriedly go out of the house and drove to the Urgent Care (which we found out is just ER).
Once we arrived and were able to see the provider, her fever had dropped again to 101.7 degrees. The Physician’s Assistant who saw us, was not too worried. She told us to continue with Ibuprofen and keep her hydrated and rested.
You know, this was our first time dealing with a sick toddler. This was our first time bringing her in to the ER. She did great – the nurse who triaged her said she did better than most 10 year olds. Tyler and I did great, we worked together like a well oiled machine. I am thankful, that my Princess is going to be fine.
Continue to pray for her though. She is not better yet. She still has a temperature in 101 range and of course she does not want to rest and “take it easy”. She has more energy still than me.