So the 2 year mark is nearing and we are wanting the Princess weaned. Soon. This week I have cut out the 5am feeding (whenever I use that word it sounds so animal like). This has not been easy, but my big girl is getting used to it. She still gets “milkies” about 3x a day, which includes a 9am, a 2pm, and a bedtime feeding.
She has not been falling asleep while eating, but after, which I see as a good sign that she can fall asleep on her own. I hope the transition is smooth. At night she snuggles with daddy when I deny her. Then falls asleep against him.
A part of me will miss feeding her – I do love the closeness we share – but I am so ready to be done. I hate to say it but breastfeeding has become somewhat of a burden. That makes me feel guilty to admit, but it is true. Really breastfeeding has become a love/hate relationship.
Motherhood – it can be hard, can’t it?