Well, my godson Kaleb got into a pretty serious accident on Sunday. They had to rush him to the larger hospital in Seattle. He wrecked on a 4 wheeler and hit his head pretty hard. The helmet fell off and he fractured his skull. He also broke his collarbone and cut his leg pretty bad. He had to have surgery today to clean the leg and cut away dead tissue. The doctors keep saying he is a lucky little boy. The swelling in his head and eye is going down and he is walking now. I am so thankful that nothing worse happened to him. Please remember him and his family in your prayers.
We have gone down to the hospital 3x this week. I brought the Princess down each time. Luckily I have my mother with me to help watch her. What a handful! I have brought down toys and lots of food. (Unfortunately not as much healthy food as I would like, but “junk” food seems to work better.)
What is it with toddlers and elevator buttons? She runs as fast as she can to push those buttons. Also the waiting room has a water dispenser. With or without a cup, if the Princess can run that little spout, she is ecstatic. (Not me.) What can you do?
Not only is she running everywhere but I am very mindful of disinfecting her hands every five minutes so she doesn’t catch any bugs. Everyone in the waiting room is entertained by her. She is quite the little entertainer. Very cute! She also is the most affectionate child. She gladly hugs everyone and sometimes kisses as well. (Yep, the hand sanitizer is working overtime.)
Good news (amidst the bad) is the my Princess went poo-poo in her potty (as I type this the song is in my head, you know the one)! I was so proud of her yesterday morning. She actually acted surprised. Next time, before she sits on her potty chair I MUST fill it with water. It was not fun to clean her potty chair after the poo-poo. (If you catch my drift.) It is all a learning experience.