She wants them to go on walks, in the car, in the shopping cart – everywhere she goes. I have to buckle her in the shopping cart together.
Yesterday the dolly helped us with our animal puzzle a few times (’cause you know kids always want to do things over and over an over…). She carries the bigger one around in a “wrap” I made from my scarf. She even feeds them!
When she wanted diapers on both of them last night I realized that I needed some more doll accessories. So I went on craigslist and found a stroller and 10+ outfits for $15! I love craigslist and my Princess loves dollies! I know I have already said I love craigslist but I can’t help it. I can usually find what I am looking for on there and for cheaper!
For more Things I Love Thursday head over to the Diaper Diaries.