We decided to head over to Nottingham Castle today. Tyler had two hours of lunch break available. When we finally parked and got into the entrance, we found out that we would not have enough time to see all the exhibits. (And we had to pay 4 pounds to realize that, bummer!)
We will return tomorrow afternoon. I am excited to see it. The last few months I rented “Robin Hood“, a BBC America television show. (Not because I knew we were coming here, but because I thought it looked good.) And yes, I realized that I truly did loved it!
I love the idea of Robin Hood – steal from the rich and give to the poor. (I know, I know, stealing is breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Don’t hold it against me.) I also love the architecture all around us – it is quite beautiful. I have been taking pictures galore while we are driving around Nottingham (please note that I am not driving, others have been driving us. I would be terrified to drive in all these roundabouts and narrow streets.). Stores, churches, homes, and apartments – they are all stunning here.
Isabella has been doing great, she really loves her new tea set (so British of her). She can play for a long time if I keep filling the tea pot with water. She plays outside though in the garden (what the British call their backyard.)
Tyler loves the chocolate. He keeps eating the chocolate mint fingers (just like our Kit Kat bars). And at 85 pence (or cents as we would say) it is a bargain for 16 little bars. He also loves Kievs, the vegetarian ones. They are this chicken filled pockets with garlic and herbed soft cheese inside. We had never seen them before. I even found mini Kievs today for him, made by the brand Quorn (the website says, “A Classic Teatime Favourite”). Funny that his favorites are food related. (On a side note, the checkers at the supermarket get chairs to sit in, and you have to bag your own groceries, take your own change and receipt!)