It is strange to be home alone. My parents took the Princess to church while I stayed home to relax. It is funny that as a mommy all you want is a break, just a small one each day. But once you are apart from your child, then you miss them. Crazy! (Maybe she did drive me crazy after all?) I have been watching National Geographic, reading How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus, twittering (click to follow me), visiting blogs (click if you want to enter over 100 giveaways), and just plain trying to stay busy while I am supposed to be relaxing. I should take a nap. Take advantage of the time apart from the rambunctious toddler.
Oh and yes, I survived my surgery. I didn’t die on the table, or hear and feel everything while I was “out”. (You know, all those terrible thoughts you have before being put out.) It was weird though. On TV they always count down or say something to the patient that prepares them for the anesthesia. Not me. All of a sudden I woke up and we were done. No warning. 1.5 hours went by without my knowledge. It must feel the same when you die and your next thought is seeing Jesus. It was crazy. I am just glad it is over. I have been very good too. No soda, just water all week. Forming a habit does not take too long. You just need to be focused and determined. And pray.