So, after 10 days with Grandpa and Grandma, Isabella is becoming spoiled!
Who would have guessed, right?
I can notice a significant difference though. She whines and yells much more than normal now. Of course, the Grandparents don’t mind. Everything she does is cute. Meanwhile, this mommy goes crazy. We will have about 1 week to get back to normal, where I hope that consistency and the occasional timeout may help her behavior; then it is back to Washington for 19 days with Grandpa and Grandma!
My wonderful husband is heading off to the Ukraine for a mission trip with his students so we are going to stay with my family. What will she be like after 19 days!?! I cringe at the thought.
I like this photo of my Princess. She is looking through her dollhouse window like a big monster giant. It just makes me laugh.