Last night Isabella spoke in her sleep for the first time. Well at least the first time I heard her. She said “Ba Ba“. I think she was dreaming about her new Elmo doll. He says, “Ba Ba please” when his bottle is taken out of his mouth. For the last few day she has been going around the house saying “Ba Ba” and trying to drink his little bottle. She has never drank out of a bottle, so it is all a novelty to her.
She is still breastfeeding and has now picked her favorite side. I try to start feeding her on her unfavorite side but she learns quick. She refuses to eat, and tries to say “switch“. (I have been saying that word for the last week when she wants a different side.) It sounds more like “tch“. Too Cute!
We pulled out the little pool today for Isabella to play in since it was 82 degrees. (Whoo Hoo, I love the sunshine!) She, of course, does not remember it from last August, and when she saw it after her nap she began laughing, an almost evil little laugh. Tyler asked me, “Is that a real laugh?” She didn’t want to get out when the sun started going down. She is still running to the sliding glass door and whining/evil laughing for it.