Shopping at Wal-mart with Isabella can be miserable at times. Well, who I am kidding, it is miserable each time. When we finish and are checking out, I like to bring Isabella to an open lane (there is always open lanes there even when the lines are hugely long). Daddy gives the checker my 30+ coupons and makes sure they all scan, and I let Isabella get into things. On the lane they put things right within her reach that she loves – Disney Princess cell phones, Cars cameras, and Buzz Lightyear walkie talkies. They don’t do that on purpose do they?
As she was playing with these various toys my eye caught the cover of a tabloid magazine. Something about Angelina or Jennifer, also some cellulite, and other such fodder that I can get sucked into. I only read the cover for about 5 seconds but when I looked down, no Isabella. My heart jumped. I realized true fear. I spun around hoping to see her behind me. She was not there. I ran out to main aisle looking both ways and still no sign of her. I went to the right and on the next aisle, there she was, playing with the candy. Oh man, was I relieved. Relieved is not even the right word. The thought of losing her, or her getting kidnapped is beyond what I could bear, I am sure. That was the first experience like this, I am sure it will happen again. I hope not, but now I am very careful in stores. I always keep my eye on her.
Since we are getting closer to Easter I cannot help but think of Jesus. How he took on the Sin of the world, and died for us. The seperation He felt from His Father because of all the Sin. He did not know the outcome at this point. He felt forsaken. It was like being lost. Imagine the great joy in Heaven when we rose from the grave. Found again. This time of year it is good to reflect on the joy of being found in Jesus the Risen Savior. My feelings of finding Isabella in Wal-mart are just a glimpse into what the Father and Jesus must feel like.