We had our good friend, Wendi, come and visit us this weekend. It is always so nice to catch up with old friends. We had good times.
While she was here, she brought Isabella a nice gift – a horsey on a stick to ride on. If you push its ear it will neigh. Isabella loved it!
Last night, Wendi had some popcorn. Popcorn is of course one of Isabella’s favorite foods. So she wanted to share it with Auntie Wendi. Wendi, mom of 2, made Isabella sign please before giving her a piece, which to our surprise, Isabella did each time. Then she successfully had Isabella sign thank you after giving it to her. I have been working with Isabella on this. It was her next sign but she had not done it yet. So now Isabella can sign more, baby, please, and thank you.
When I say, “How old are you?”, she can also put up her pointer finger to “say” 1. Yes, I know, I have said it many times, but we have a genius here in the Long Family.
Another fun thing I was able to do this weekend was show Wendi how I save money shopping the sales ads, stockpiling, and using coupons. She is excited and will start couponing now. I love saving money, so I am glad to be able to share that knowledge with friends who are interested.