So, Isabella is sleeping with us and it has been getting difficult for me. She is waking up almost every hour and wants to eat to fall back to sleep. So we have been debating what to do. Put her in her bed? Use our playpen? Take a free crib from friends at Amazing Facts? We are just trying to decide. So the last two nights I decided to just let her wake up and not feed her. Enter tears, and whining. But I pushed through and didn’t give in and she fell back to sleep – on her own! I was so happy. Two nights ago she cried twice and I feed her four times (I gave in after 5 am so I would not have to wake up so early.) Last night she only cried once and I feed her 3 times (two feedings after 4am). She did wake up more times than that but just tossed and turned and fell back to sleep on her own without cring. I am so so happy. I hope tonight is even better.
We also started introducing new foods. Our pediatrician encouraged us to try some new things. So the last two weeks she has tried wheat, soy and citrus foods without any adverse reactions. So I think that her eating more food through out the day is also helping her sleep.
Isabella is also busy walking around our house behind her push toy. Today she didn’t want to put down a sunscreen bottle so she started walking behind her toy with one hand! She is also giving high five to her daddy, which he loves. He is now trying to teach her “please”. They have a “thank you” game already which she loves and she really is saying thank you. She tries to imitate sounds and words all the time now. It is cute.
We have made a decision though – no more children unless we move closer to family. Who knows, maybe we will forget how hard it is to have a baby and once she is a toddler we may want another one? That would be crazy! But so many people seem to do that, so maybe we will too.
Oh, and please continue to pray for the seminar guests from Tyler’s last meeting. There are about 7 that are struggling with smoking, who want to quit. There have been 3 baptisms so far and more to come the next two Sabbaths.