Isabella was able to visit her great grandma last week on our trip to Southern California. We had a great visit. Grandma Charlotte loved seeing Isabella and commented on her many times, watched her play, and crawl.
It was a good day for us all. My husband was able to look at old pictures and share memories with Grandma Charlotte too. (Though, most of the memories were forgotten by Grandma, it was nice to tell her about all the good times.)
You know crawling babies are fast, loud, and a lot of work. But grandma Charlotte really did enjoy watching Isabella get around her room. There is just something about a baby that makes everything much better.
We were even able to take some video of Grandma holding Isabella, so one day, Isabella can look at the video and see her grandma Charlotte. It was a really good visit, and it could be the last time we see our Grandma Charlotte until Jesus comes again. We hope we can see her again at Thanksgiving but if not we are prepared. Please continue to keep Grandma in your prayers.
*The picture above, is from our visit in July. Grandma Charlotte really looked pretty good then.
bonzobuddybear says
Such a familiar life! Not that it’s much comfort, but things to change over time. Like, now I can tell them ONCE to stay away from things, and they usually do!
Love your blog!
Beth says
The best advice that was given me (although I didn’t take it at the time) was to take a nap during the child’s nap time. I thought to myself, “That’s the only time I can get anything done!” But, really your body needs that time to recoup. If your exhaustion persists, I would get checked out by a medical professional! Don’t worry, sleep will come again! 🙂
I wanted to comment about the 1st birthday party. It’s best to not spend a bunch of money for the 1st birthday. Isabella won’t even remember it…I made cupcakes for Gracie’s first, with a few friends over and some special decorations, but nothing huge. The older she gets, the more I plan, because she can enjoy it more. She knew full and well that we were celebrating her birthday this year, and she could actually open her own presents. So, in my opinion, it’s better to wait to spend the money on parties that they’ll actually remember. Isabella may feel a bit overwhelmed with the party if it’s too big. Anyway, just some thoughts from my research.