Isabella is now an 8 month old baby! Happy 8 Month Birthday, baby girl!
Favorite thing this week? Frozen Banana Smoothies.
We visited Lake Tahoe with Isabella for our 9 year anniversary this week. We did NOT prepare for it though. We are definitely still learning. My husband wanted to leave no later than 10am and we left at 11:30 am. We forgot a camera, a blanket, an umbrella, and a hat for me. I was so worried about Isabella getting sunburned. She didn’t get burned but my husband and I both did. My Princess had a lot of fun in the Lake floating in her Winnie the Pooh floatie. At the shallow water of the shoreline we played with rocks. Actually she tried to eat the rocks. {Everything tastes better in her mouth!}
We also decided (bad decision) to go to a “nice” restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. Of course, Isabella did not want to sit in her high chair. She wanted our food, our plates, our silverware, our water. Her spoon, napkin, water, toys, credit cards, wipes, wallet, and anything else we could find was NOT what she wanted.
Why do babies want only the things they can’t have? Please answer me that. So we ate in shifts and we ate fast! We were in and out before the next table could even order. They are all good memories though, ones we will remind Isabella of when she is older…
So for now, Happy 8 Month Birthday to my Princess.