If we could tape our inner voice for even one hour, many of us would realize how often we criticize ourselves and fill our minds with negativity. Whether our criticisms are valid or not, they tend to diminish our self-esteem even more than the criticisms of others. We can always choose to ignore our other critics by walking away or hanging up the phone. But we live with our inner voice 24-7. Daily affirmations can help us to retrain our inner voices to be kinder and more encouraging. A … [Read more...]
How to Self Love: A 30 Day Self-Love Challenge
What is Self-Love? When I was younger I don't remember the term "self-love" do you? I do remember self-esteem and self-worth, but the idea of loving oneself seemed foreign at a younger age. Do you love yourself? Merriam Webster says that self-love is: an appreciation of one's own worth or virtueproper regard for and attention to one's own happiness or well-being Ephesians 5:29 says, "For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the … [Read more...]
Family Activities to Build Self Confidence for a Shy Child
It's extremely important to build and nurture self-confidence in your child. A child with self-confidence is sure to live with happiness in the different aspects of life. This characteristic serves as the foundation of your child's well-being. It's an important factor which will determine your child's success when he/she grows up. No matter what your child age is, his feelings about himself affect how he will act in different situations. [Tweet "Your child's feelings about himself affect how … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Build Your Daughter’s Self Esteem
I have a daughter who I love. I want her to be the best person she can be. I try not to be too hard on her, but I often fail and expect more than her almost five years can live up to. I am learning this parenting thing as I go along though. While she is growing up I want her to be confident and have great self esteem. I want her to be a leader. Self Esteem Statistics Dove® research shows that it is still important for us to address girls' anxiety about looks, as there is a universal … [Read more...]