We buy a lot of produce in our household. We are 90% vegetarian and the meat we do eat is fish. We don't buy it in the grocery store though, we eat fresh Alaskan salmon caught locally. So when we go to the grocery store you will see a lot of fruits and vegetables in our shopping cart. Reusable produce bags are an excellent way to be eco-friendly while shopping. About A Greener Kitchen: Founded by Lacey Lybecker in 2009, A Greener Kitchen offers you sustainable style solutions for kitchen … [Read more...]
Reusable Produce Bags
I recently purchased reusable produce bags. Have you used these before? Anything that I can do simply to help the environment really works for me. I took all six of my bags to the grocery store and filled them with produce today. The check out lady commented on the bags, saying she had not seen them before and how much she liked them. We even discussed the benefits of using reusable. … [Read more...]