Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. I've had Photoshop Elements in the past and LOVED it. So, upgrading to Photoshop Elements 14 was long overdue. I am so glad that I have this quality photo editing software now. Honestly, I prefer to use quick edits the most for my blog posts. I can easily rotate, re-size and make quick fixes even faster in a more friendly and easy-to-use … [Read more...]
Marriage and Diapers
My Princess absolutely loved having her cousins visiting. {All three are boys, and she loves them!}I am sure she is lonely this week without them.This week, she told my sister that she was going to marry all three of them.It was so cute.{This doesn't mean she will be boy crazy does it?}While they were here, she wanted to be a helper with the youngest, a two year old.She was very interested in changing his poopy diapers. In her words,"I want to see his bagina."Then she frowned 'cause … [Read more...]
The Water Park
We are staying at a resort for my husband's family reunion. When I saw resort, I mean resort. It is so nice! What fun we are having!One of the great features of this resort are the splash pads. My Princess loves splash pads and pools.It is all we have been doing.Swimsuit all day, baby!I am going home with a tan. *I did a little photo editing with Photoshop Elements 8. I used a storyboard from Rita at The Coffee Shop Blog. {Love that lady!} … [Read more...]
Easter Subway Art + Bible Verses for Easter
I had such a great time making a Valentine's Day Subway Art that I decided to make one for Easter as well. I made this is Photoshop Elements. It is 5x7 inches originally. I love Easter. As I mentioned before, we will be able to spend this great holiday with family, and in our own home before we travel again to another town in British Columbia. Without the resurrection of Jesus, our faith truly is futile. I am so thankful that He not only died for my sins but rose again so that I might … [Read more...]
Fraser River Family Fun
Spring time is such a fun time. I love when the sunshine starts to poke his head out.My Princess' new favorite this week? Finding rocks at the shores of the Fraser River. You can still see some ice and snow. (Pretty crazy, huh?)Here is daddy and the Princess trying to throw rocks at the passing ice. (Very thick ice! The rocks just bounce off.) So a nice sheet of ice came over to say hi, and daddy stood his Princess on it, which she loved!What fun things do you like to do in the … [Read more...]
Take A Multi Vitamin
My Princess loves her vegetarian gummy vitamins. I caught her trying to get her own vitamin, assuring her that she would not be able to open the child proof container. I guess my Princess is smart enough to figure out “Child Proof” lids. (Oh yes, remember when I told you she puts a skirt on every day over the clothes I pick out? Yep, here is one of those skirts,) You can find this story board for PSE at The Coffee Shop Blog. … [Read more...]
Fraser River
There really is a lot of beauty to be found in British Columbia. When we arrived here, I was in awe of the Fraser River at the end of winter. With snow and ice in and around the river, it is a beautiful sight. There is a pedestrian bridge in the town of Quesnel that we walked out on for photos. What a beautiful day too! This is one great benefit of traveling. We get to see and visit so many great things. You know what we also love about British Columbia? Tim Hortons. Google it. "God … [Read more...]