With the release of the May 11 Time Magazine breastfeeding cover and the question of when to wean on the forefront of people's minds, the women of Mommy Mindset had a discussion online about weaning: Leila: My daughter and I struggled with nursing so it wasn't a big deal. My son and I... oye. I nursed for 4 months, but due to my work schedule and the pressures at work (I worked at a medically supervised weight loss clinic and couldn't do the program to lose weight until I wasn't nursing any … [Read more...]
Easter Traditions
Mariah: With Easter right around the corner, I have been thinking about the traditions that I want to start with my son . Last year he was only 4 months old but we still went to spend the day with family and have a big family Easter Egg Hunt. We will do that again this year. I will also get out his personalized Easter basket and fill it with some goodies. I'm trying to decide how to handle decorating eggs with a toddler. What are your Easter traditions or some activities that you would like to … [Read more...]