Meal time can get boring. We tend to eat the same meals in our home and rotate those meals through out the month. My husband recently read a magazine article that said the average American family rotates through 6 dinner meals! So I guess we are not the only family that gets stuck in a food rut. One place that our family loves to visit is a Vegan Asian food restaurant in Seattle. They have so many menu options like sweet and sour chicken, almond chicken, beef & broccoli, and … [Read more...]
10 Free Printable Lunchbox Notes and Food Ideas
This post brought to you by Dollar General. All opinions are 100% mine. Life gets so busy doesn't it? I mean it is August already and everyone is thinking about back to school. With back to school on our brains, we begin to think about stocking up on lunchbox supplies. What do you pack your kids in their lunchbox? We are homeschooling but that does not mean we don't pack lunches. We pack lunches quite regularly. When we are traveling or out and about, we often pack a lunch to eat more … [Read more...]