This last week has been a difficult week. Not only did I learn my friend died, but I also found out our family friend has chosen to quit taking her medicine and dialysis. She is only 22 years old and has had kidney problems her entire life. Her father gave her one of his kidneys when she was a small child. They lived next door to us. My parents are her godparents in fact.One year ago, she decided she was tired of her life, being unhealthy, having constant medicine and dialysis. She didn't want … [Read more...]
Update on Grandma Miller
Grandma Miller died this afternoon at her assisted living facility. She died peacefully in her sleep, without any pain. Her two daughters and one granddaughter was there by her side. It is bittersweet - We are sad to be losing a grandparent, we are tired of disease and death in this world, but we are glad that she did not suffer for months. Thank you for keeping our family in your prayers. God bless! … [Read more...]