If you take a casual stroll around any bookstore, you’ll notice the world’s message that the only way to contentment is to have more and be more. You need a better body, a nicer sports car, and a better-looking spouse. You need to be more charming, more intelligent, and more influential. But this “have more, be more” message can lead to discontentment. How to Be Content with What You Have Hebrews 13:5 tells us, “Be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘I will never leave … [Read more...]
5 Things Happy Families Do
Somewhere along the lines of 50 hour weeks, carpools, soccer, and the struggle to get out of bed on Sunday to actually spend some free time with my family, I learned that there were five recurring things that most of the happy families I knew were doing together. Part of my New Year's resolution for 2014 was to implement some of these changes into our household, and I have to say - with over half the year being gone - that it was a rousing success. So much of a success that I wanted to share … [Read more...]