Whether you are living paycheck-to-paycheck, or comfortably well off, being disorganized about your finances can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run. Even being a day late can result in late fees, and even overlimit charges, that can all add up over time. For example, paying your electric bill after the deadline could result in an additional $20 charge. If you pay late six times, that’s an additional $120 that you’re paying on top of your usual electric charges. If you are … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Have More Money Each Month
How can you make the days leading to payday less stressful? If you typically find yourself struggling for cash each month as you wait for you next payday, then it could be time to take action. Here are 5 ways, aside from getting a pay raise or using a credit card, to have more money in your pocket each month. 1. Use Online Banking If you lead a hectic lifestyle then getting to the bank during opening hours can be an almost impossible task. Thankfully, online banking has made it much easier … [Read more...]