My daughter and I love easy yet beautiful crafts. Working with felt is always a fun crafting medium. We found a great DIY kit from PomTree Kids - the Pillow Puffs Felt Key Chain Kit. This Woodland Critters themed felt crafting kit has a peacock, raccoon and owl that children (and their moms!) can decorate. My daughter's first pick was the felt peacock. I guess it's a "thing" to put fun key chains on the backpacks at school. So guess who'd like this beautiful felt peacock on her back pack? Yes, … [Read more...]
Felt Flower Tutorials
So I have this super crafty neighbor. She makes great things - awesome crafty things. She recently started making beautiful felt flowers. I LOVE them. The cool thing about felt? It is cheap. And with so many felt flower tutorials out there, I know I can do this craft. I just need to bust out my hot glue gun. Remember my felt barrette [the one above}? Well, that was not so cute. I would like to try and make some of these beauties: … [Read more...]
Felt Barrette
There are a gazillion tutorials out there for felt barrettes. Literally. So this is not going to be a tutorial post. It is just a show off post. Not in a bragging way, but an excited, this was so easy, I am so happy I did it, finally, sort of way. The best part? My first one took less than 30 minutes. I definitely will be making more of these babies! I now it is a little wonky but don't worry, I will get better. Tutorial Links For My Lovely (possibly lazy) … [Read more...]